For those that haven’t read the Kailmeyra series, in book two, The Secret of the Keepers, Nora, the protagonist in the series, develops the ability to feel an artist’s intent simply by touching their work. She sees their memories, hears their thoughts. She understands their heart, their passion, and their inspiration. It’s a trait I’ve always dreamed of having. Historically, … Read More
The Art of Communication
This past weekend, a drama bomb went off in Social Media land, the likes of which I’ve never seen. Usually calm, intelligent, rational human beings turned into raving lunatics, spewing toxic sludge like word vomit across my feed. Everyone had something to say–the problem was no one seemed to be listening. Is it okay to be passionate about a subject? Absolutely. … Read More
The Artist’s Heart
I’ve found quality in the arts, no matter what form, have one thing in common–intent is the key to true expression. Those who want glory but aren’t willing to improve might have a level of success, but their art seems shallow and quickly fades. Those who become enamored with the arts are like star-crossed lovers. Their passion only lasts as … Read More