If you’ve been following me, you know I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. Instead, I focus on one aspect of life I’d like to nurture and grow. I choose a catchphrase that embodies the concept. It becomes a mantra of sorts, creating a common theme that runs throughout the twelve months and shapes my experiences. If you’re into jumping down rabbit holes, here is a rundown of the past decade.
I think it’s fair to say that the best thing that came out of 2020 was the memes. The rest was just one big dumpster fire. I’m choosing to believe the worst is behind us and am looking forward to better days ahead.
This is why I’ve decided to name 2021 the Year of Resilience. Here’s the official definition.
I’m choosing to concentrate on the second and third meanings of the word rather than the first. I don’t want to go back to the way things were–I want to adapt and adjust to a better, more efficient way of life. The pandemic forced us to grow in ways we never imagined. Businesses learned that employees were just as efficient working from home. We discovered that integrity could not be mandated through legislation and laws. Ingenuity became a necessity as everyone scrambled to adjust grocery spending, sew masks, and consolidate trips. The idea of supporting local businesses took a front seat as communities saw the effects of shelter in place orders. Children, parents, and teachers learned innovative technologies as the classroom shifted to the kitchen table. I believe all of these will mold our communities as we move into a post-COVID world. What has been purged from my life is thoughtless spending, endless running from one activity to the next, the constant teetering on the edge of exhaustion.
I’ve also learned how to smother anxiety’s grip by recognizing when things are out of my control. Worrying about the insanity in Washington or wildfires on the west coast is pointless. These are issues I have no control over. Stepping away from social media and the news and concentrating on the issues I can control has helped me get through.
So here’s to a happier, healthier, resilient 2021!