#1 Amazon Bestseller in YA Paranormal and Urban Fantasy Romance! ♦ ♦ ♦ Descendants of the Amazons, the Scythians work alongside prominent governments but answer to no one. Warriors living on the fringe of civilization, they live by one credo: Strength through Equality. Power through Knowledge. Nya Thalestris is the brightest Scythian of her generation. Strong, capable, ruthless, she is … Read More
Frequently Asked Question for the Scythian Series
Hi all! I’ve started this post, which I’ll update as I receive questions about the Scythian Series. A big thank you to everyone who has already submitted questions. I so appreciate your interest in The Society! 1. Why are there two covers for The Scythian Trials? Because Vesuvian is a kick-ass company that loves to think outside the box. The vibrant red … Read More
Why We Shouldn’t Get Our News from Social Media
The other day, I had a friend compare Facebook to Walmart, saying it was the Social Media site where she could get everything in one place, like her favorite recipes, pics of her grandbabies, and news from around the world. She hadn’t said something I’d thought a thousand times before the 2016 elections, only now, the statement bugged me. If … Read More
The Trials have Begun!
It’s official. The Scythian Trials has been released into the wild and is off to a great start! If you’d like to pick up a copy, the buy links are below the description on the website as is the button to pick up a signed copy. 🙂 The blog tour was a tremendous success, and I’m so grateful to everyone … Read More
The Art of Communication
This past weekend, a drama bomb went off in Social Media land, the likes of which I’ve never seen. Usually calm, intelligent, rational human beings turned into raving lunatics, spewing toxic sludge like word vomit across my feed. Everyone had something to say–the problem was no one seemed to be listening. Is it okay to be passionate about a subject? Absolutely. … Read More
Understanding Equality
As you know, The Scythian Trials, the first book in the new series, debuts this month. The origin of the story stems from an article about a burial ground discovered in Romania, which was believed to be remains of Amazon warriors. These women lived autonomously in villages and sought male companionship for procreation purposes only. I became fascinated with the … Read More
Five Tips to Write for Life
There’s a thread weaving through Facebook that I’m enjoying these days. Writers from all walks of life are sharing their top five writing tips and secrets, and then they challenge another five writers to do the same. I’ve been following the threads like a hound chasing rabbits, loving the snippets of insight and advice from the authors that I admire. … Read More
How to Stop Facebook’s Shenanigans From Keeping You From Your Tribe.
I was talking to a friend today about Facebook’s crackdown on using personal pages for business. For those outside the writing community, I’m sure you may not think this is a big deal. But for every entrepreneur out there, it’s a game-changer. Last year, Facebook scaled back a business pages’ reach, meaning only a few people could see posts containing URLs … Read More
2018–The Year of Control
It’s once again the first of January. As you know, instead of creating a New Year’s Resolution, I take one word, one concept, and focus on that. I’ve been blogging about this since I started this writing journey eight years ago. (Holy smokes–where has the time gone?) If you’re new, here’s a rundown of years past: 2010 The Year of Courage. I … Read More
Chimis With A Twist
If you’ve read anything on this blog this past year, you’ve probably run across a BGDIR article or two. It’s no secret that I’m half the size I used to be, thanks to Jack and Jasinda Wilder. 🙂 I don’t plan on ever going back to the sugar/processed carb insanity that held me prisoner for years, but I will admit … Read More